Lukewarm, strained, cream soup, jellied consommé, lukewarm soupĬustard, ice cream, pudding, sherbert, plain-flavored gelatin, ice water and frozen pops, sugar, honeyĪll others and anything made with chocolate or whole fruit, all food containing red or orange coloringĪcidic vegetable juice (e.g. Lukewarm pasta, lukewarm thinned, whipped potatoes Red or orange colored fruit juice all othersĪny mild, pureed meat or chicken in mousse form plain and sweetened, flavored yogurtĬheese, yogurt with whole fruit pieces, all others Nectars, apple juice, noncitrus fruit juices Depending on your medical condition, your health care provider may make changes to the list of allowed liquids. Ice pops without milk, bits of fruit, seeds or nuts. Yogurt Pudding Jello Applesauce (liquid added and osterized for stricter regimens) Cream soups (. Hard candy, such as lemon drops or peppermint rounds. Soft foods/full liquid foods recipes and suggestions. milkshakes and eggnog) iced tea, iced coffee, carbonated beverages, high-protein, high-calorie oral supplementĬhocolate drinks, red or orange colored punches or fruit drinks Clear, fat-free broth such as bouillon or consomme.
Foods allowed are flavored gelatins, ice cream. The full liquid diet includes the foods allowed on the clear liquid diet with the addition of milk and small. Im only half way through the first week and Im craving more savory foods. Cold dairy beverages: cold milk and milk drinks (e.g. (1) The T&A cold liquid diet provides only cold liquids, which are free of irritants or acid properties. I recently had jaw surgery and I cant eat any solid food for the next 6 weeks.